Sunday, 22 September 2013

Teamwork Motivational Quotes For Athletes For Work Tumblr In Hindi Wallpapers For Success Images With Pictures

Teamwork Motivational Quotes Biography

"Teamwork divides the task and multiplies the success."
Author Unknown
"Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships."
Michael Jordan
"The nice thing about teamwork is that you always have others on your side."
Margaret Carty
"No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent."
John Donne
"No member of a crew is praised for the rugged individuality of his rowing."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Individual commitment to a group effort - that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work. "
Vince Lombardi
"Teamwork divides the task and multiplies the success."
Author Unknown
"Sure there's no 'I' in 'team'" but there is a 'ME'!"
Author Unknown

Positive Attitude Tip:

Learning to work in a team can help you achieve more than you may realize. You may think that working by yourself is better, but the resources that you can draw upon when working in a team is always better than working with you alone.
Coming together is a beginning.
Keeping together is progress.
Working together is success.
- Henry Ford
Teamwork is the ability to work as a group toward a common vision, even if that vision becomes extremely blurry.
- On a poster
a true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He doesn't set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the quality of his actions and the integrity of his intent. In the end, leaders are much like eagles... they do not flock; you find them one at a time.
- Unknown
Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.
- Michael Jordan
True...there is no "I" in team, but there is a "U" in suck.
- Unknown
Teachers call it copying..we call it teamwork!
- Unknown
TOGETHER we stand, TOGETHER we fall, TOGETHER we win, and winners take ALL.
- TC Volleyball Team
When you score a goal, or hit a three, or get a touchdown, you dont do it for yourself, you do it for the team cause the name in the front of the shirt is more important than the one on the back.
- saw it in a movie
There are three types of workers: those who get things done, those who watch things get done, and those who wonder how so much got done.
- unknown
They told me there is no “I” in team.

I am an athlete.
I am an individual.
I am strong.
I am weak.
I have desires, hopes, and dreams.
I have goals.
I have fears.
As a team my opponent will never see my weaknesses.
Only my strength, never my fears, only my goals as they unfold before them.
I am not afraid that my team will see my fears, my hopes, dreams, or desires.
I trust them to an unlimited level.
I am not afraid that my team will see my faults, because
With them I can overcome my faults, with them I am
fearless, with them I have hopes and dreams.
With my team I am not weak, I do not have the strength
of one athlete, but of many, combined, focused,
And dangerous to my un-united opponent.
I become my team and my team becomes me.
I do not judge, and I am not judged.
I have a goal, and the team has a goal.
The team goal is my goal.
All that matters is that the team reaches its goal.
They always told me there is no “I” in “Team”.
They were wrong.
I am the team.
I became the team.
The team became me.
The team becomes an entity unto itself.
The team is strong, creative, compassionate, caring,
Authoritative, disciplined.
The team absorbs “I”, and then there is “I” in “Team”.
The “I” becomes part of something much more powerful.

They were right there is no “I” in “Team”,
But there is “Team” in me.
- ash hoehn' one and only!!
Teamwork Motivational Quotes For Athletes For Work Tumblr          In Hindi Wallpapers For Success Images With Pictures
Teamwork Motivational Quotes For Athletes For Work Tumblr In Hindi Wallpapers For Success Images With Pictures
Teamwork Motivational Quotes For Athletes For Work Tumblr In Hindi Wallpapers For Success Images With Pictures
Teamwork Motivational Quotes For Athletes For Work Tumblr In Hindi Wallpapers For Success Images With Pictures
Teamwork Motivational Quotes For Athletes For Work Tumblr In Hindi Wallpapers For Success Images With Pictures
Teamwork Motivational Quotes For Athletes For Work Tumblr In Hindi Wallpapers For Success Images With Pictures
Teamwork Motivational Quotes For Athletes For Work Tumblr In Hindi Wallpapers For Success Images With Pictures
Teamwork Motivational Quotes For Athletes For Work Tumblr In Hindi Wallpapers For Success Images With Pictures
Teamwork Motivational Quotes For Athletes For Work Tumblr In Hindi Wallpapers For Success Images With Pictures
Teamwork Motivational Quotes For Athletes For Work Tumblr In Hindi Wallpapers For Success Images With Pictures
Teamwork Motivational Quotes For Athletes For Work Tumblr In Hindi Wallpapers For Success Images With Pictures

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